Friday, May 22, 2020

European Colonization On Sub Saharan African Education

European Colonization on Sub-Saharan African Education Before the Europeans came and colonized much of Africa, including its schooling systems, many educational practices in Africa consisted of groups of older people, known as elders, teaching aspects of life such as rituals and rites of passage, helping to transition children into adulthood. Almost every member of the African community played a part in the educational upbringing of a child. However, when European colonialism began to take place, it started to change the indigenous education systems once taught before. Schooling was no longer just about rituals, instead school now meant earning an education that could compare to countries throughout Europe and the United States. Even with the improvements of educational systems throughout Africa, educational participation rates in many Sub-Saharan African countries are still low. When it comes to the educational history of sub-Sahara Africa, it can be divided into three eras: the pre-colonial period; the colonial period; and the period after independence. African children in pre-colonial period, learnt how to survive life through experiences and instructions from their elders. Indigenous forms of education served the needs of the community as a whole, meaning African children, during that period learnt what they lived. Indigenous education systems also varied from one place to another, as different African cultures were present. Director Aà ¯cha Bah-Diallo of the UnitedShow MoreRelatedThe Link Between British Colonization Of Sub Saharan Africa And Lasting Economic Problems990 Words   |  4 Pagesinferior nation. European nations deployed a mission of colonization to bring the continent civilization. This paper interprets the link between British colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa and lasting economic problems evident today. 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